Kaito (Majikku Kaito) is a shōnen manga series by Gosho Aoyama. A light-hearted manga about a thief named Kaitou Kid. Gosho Aoyama stopped work on the manga after three volumes due to the fact that he started Detective Conan (Case Closed), which was an instant hit.
Chapters of the Magic Kaito manga have been released in Shonen Sunday since then, and have only recently been collected into a fourth volume in February 2007. Kaitou Kid, also known as "Phantom Thief 1412" also makes appearances in Detective Conan (Case Closed). Kaitou Kid appears in volumes 16, 20, 30, 44, 46 & 53 of the manga. He also appears in the Detective Conan movies 3, 8 and 10, and appears in a few of the Detective Conan anime episodes.
Teenage magician Kaito Kuroba has a secret identity: that of Kaito Kid, a famous internationally-known and wanted "phantom thief". Kaito took the identity after one day discovering that his late father was the original Kaitou Kid. Later on, he discovers his father, who died from an 'accident' during a magic trick, was really murdered because he would not steal the jewel Pandora for an evil organization. (The organization is after Pandora because it was rumored that its tears would grant the owner immortality.) As Kaitou Kid, Kaito tries to find Pandora before that organization that killed his father do, and destroy it, leading Inspector Nakamori and his taskforce on the wildest jewel heists imaginable!
Chapters of the Magic Kaito manga have been released in Shonen Sunday since then, and have only recently been collected into a fourth volume in February 2007. Kaitou Kid, also known as "Phantom Thief 1412" also makes appearances in Detective Conan (Case Closed). Kaitou Kid appears in volumes 16, 20, 30, 44, 46 & 53 of the manga. He also appears in the Detective Conan movies 3, 8 and 10, and appears in a few of the Detective Conan anime episodes.
Teenage magician Kaito Kuroba has a secret identity: that of Kaito Kid, a famous internationally-known and wanted "phantom thief". Kaito took the identity after one day discovering that his late father was the original Kaitou Kid. Later on, he discovers his father, who died from an 'accident' during a magic trick, was really murdered because he would not steal the jewel Pandora for an evil organization. (The organization is after Pandora because it was rumored that its tears would grant the owner immortality.) As Kaitou Kid, Kaito tries to find Pandora before that organization that killed his father do, and destroy it, leading Inspector Nakamori and his taskforce on the wildest jewel heists imaginable!
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