Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Doctor AGASA

The Dr. Agasa (52 years) is close of house and friend of the Kudo family. Conscious Shinichi since he was child. The Dr. says of being one scienzato/inventore and has been just he to create the equipagiamento that Conan uses in order to resolve several the cases. Moreover she is the first person who Shinichi meets after to be returned child and before to guard of the secret. Later on, the Dr. Agasa will help also To i, svenuta under the rain Kudo house. Cure of she will be taken, offering them its marchingegni in order to find antiafter to the APTX4869. Moreover it will become a species of babysitter for the detective young people, than from he riceverranno the clock and the walkie-talkie in order to carry out their surveyings.

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